Prep Instructions
Thoroughly finishing your prep is an important part of your procedure. Below you can find the different preps associated with corresponding procedures. Please call (937) 534-7330 if you have questions about which prep your physician instructed you to use.
- Colonoscopy Prep Instructions
- 2 Day Sutab Prep Instructions
- SuPrep Prep Instructions
- 2 Day PLENVU Instructions
- 2 Day OCL Prep Instructions
- 2 Day MoviPrep Instructions
- 2 Day Miralax Prep Instructions
- 2 Day CLENPIQ Prep Instructions
Endoscopic Ultrasound
ERCP (Please note: prep instructions for this procedure are the same as the EGD instructions)
Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
Anorectal Manometry/Motility Study
Esophageal Manometry Study
Bravo™ pH Monitoring (Please note: prep instructions for this procedure are the same as the EGD instructions)
Capsule Prep